
20 April 2020 Personal message from IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim to seafarers Since the coronavirus became a global pandemic and most of th...
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MONGOLIA MARITIME ADMINISTRATION REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS   Selection of the Agent to conduct ship registration activities on behalf of...
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        The 20th session of Asia-Pacific Heads of Maritime Safety Agencies (APHoMSA) was convened in Seoul, Republi...
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On the invitation of the High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS of the UN, the INTERNATIONAL THINK TANK FOR LLDCs has participated in the 7th In...
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      Joint consultancy meeting was held in Erlian of People’s Republic of China, in October 23-24, 2018 under the theme &ld...
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The Mongolia Maritime Administration (MMA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding on June 15, 2018 to cooperate with the Federation of Mongolian Fre...
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     The Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between Mongolia Maritime Administration (MMA) and Maritime State University named ...
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        The delegations led by Mr.S.Tuvshintur, Director of Mongolia Maritime Administration, visited to Hanoi, Soc...
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