Mongolian Maritime Administration as a specialized agency of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development assists in the human resource policy of the country, through cooperating with related Universities and Institutions.
A Memorandum of Understanding was established in 2019, with the Mechanical Transportation Institution of the Mongolian University of Technology and Science and an elective, namely “Maritime Transportation and Port Utilization” was taught, within the frame of the cooperation.
The Institution is the main educational organization and prepares specialists for the transport and logistical sector, graduates of which are successfully working in public and private entities.
Specialists of the Maritime Administration participated in the open day event, which was held on March 21 of 2023, and lectures on maritime transportation and other related issues were introduced, which was continued with questions and answers from students.
Photo: Specialist of the MMA, III navigation officer О.Dashbalbar shared with own experiences and interesting facts from her studies and maritime service.