A memorandum of Understanding between the Mongolia Maritime Administration (MMA) of the Ministry of Road and Transport Development and the International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITT for LLDCs) has been renewed.

         ITT for LLDCs has been established in Ulaanbaatar, as an initiating project in 2013, by the initiative of landlocked countries, and was enhanced to the International Think Tank in 2018. Today this organization has 14 member countries.  

          The aim of the ITT is to survey the common challenges of 32 landlocked countries, which are officially listed as landlocked developing, and least developed. Prepare documents, and research papers with findings and solutions to overcome challenges along with good and successful experiences are shared with member countries, to assist in policy formulating procedures. 

           MMA is a governmental body responsible for maritime transportation development in Mongolia and it has officially cooperated with the ITT for LLDCs to support its activity, from the very beginning of the project 10 years ago.

        The ITT for LLDCs assisted in hearing the private entities, which are solely responsible for importing goods transportation from 3rd countries through the Mongolian Freight Forwarders Association being a platform and bridge with a public organization. For these past years, we have organized various seminars and discussions to enlighten the related public and non-governmental organizations. It was a platform to promote the state policy to the private sector, where we advised them to utilize rights, given by the international conventions and agreements.

Шинэ мэдээ

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