Transport Minister added projects submitted to accede to the Convention

A member of the Mongolian Government, Transport Minister added Rescue of London and the Maritime Labour Convention, 1989, the International Labour Organisation Convention of 2006 on the accession of the State Speaker of the Parliament today Zandaakhuu Enkhbold / 2014.10.13 / submitted.DSC_7065

Rescue of the 1989 London Convention on the ship, its cargo or other property right to carry out rescue deal to save the captain of the ship or the ship's owner, zezemshigchid review process for granting them the right to contract for the first time to save is regulated. The purpose of the convention rescue agreements restrict the powers of the national legislation related to certain restrictions include the establishment of these agreements to eliminate bottlenecks caused by an accident as a result of affected ships, people and property linked to the conduct of the moment and in a timely manner to save Rescue support to improve the situation is to establish a uniform rule. Of the working of the International Labour Organization, the International Labor Organization (ILO) of Article 94 of the Convention of 2006 (known as sea) conference March 2, 2006 from 7 to convene on March 23, agreed to the Convention on the terms of employment of seafarers.

The purpose of this Convention, the International Labor Organization (ILO) contained a number of conventions and recommendations set new standards in terms of work, sailors sailors international agreement chiglegdjee.Tus convention to regulate the combined education, knowledge, skills and experience appropriate labor and their working and living environment create favorable conditions to support the international Labor organization (ILO) adopted since 1920, and now contains 37 international treaties in force in terms of labor standards for seafarers improved as recycled paper is a summary of the Parliamentary Office of Media and informs the public relations department.

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