On December 15, 2023, during its regular parliamentary session, Mongolia ratified the accession to the 2016 and 2018 amendments to the Maritime Labor Convention of 2006 (MLC, 2006).

The 2016 amendments to the MLC, 2006 introduced guidelines on harassment and bullying, aimed at safeguarding the rights of seafarers to work in a safe and secure environment. Additionally, the 2018 amendment incorporates terms addressing piracy and armed robbery against ships into the convention, and specific regulations have been added to govern the seafarer's labor contract during periods of captivity resulting from such incidents.

This ratification underscores Mongolia's commitment to establishing a comprehensive legal framework aimed at protecting the fundamental rights, social and labor rights, of seafarers working on board a vessel registered under the Ship Registry of Mongolia. By embracing the amendments to the MLC, 2006, it also addresses the ship owner's responsibility, emphasizing their crucial role in ensuring compliance with the convention's provisions and safeguarding the welfare and rights of seafarers.

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